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Това е пукнатина  на резбови отвор.                 Пукнатината се отстранява благодарение

                                                                               на специалните болтове CASTMASTER®

Here is a badly cracked bolt hole on the            The crack is stitched with CASTMASTER®

side of the engine block.                                     stitching pins

Специално приспособление се използва за     След разпробиване на повредения резбови

да се спази съосността и да се центрова          отвор, повърхността му се фрезова със 

дрелката към повредения резбови отвор.         специален фрезер, за да може да влезе               

                                                                               рамото на специалната вложката  

                                                                               Full - Torque®  

A right angle drill fixture is used to align          After drilling out the damaged threads the

and center the drill bit to the damaged             surface of the hole is spotfaced with a 

bolt hole.                                                             special tool to accept the shoulder of the

                                                                             Full - Torque® thread insert.     


Отворът се резбова със специален метчик - Full - Torque®  

The hole is tapped with the special Full - Torque®tap.



Вложката е готова за поставяне със спе-            Вложката вече е поставена на място и 

циален инструмент за монтиране.                       посредством специална шайба се разпро-

                                                                                 бива малък отвор в периферията, където                          

                                                                                 се поставя щифт.

The Full - Torque®insert is fitted to the                    The Full - Torque®insert is torque in place

installation tool and is ready to be installed.       and a small hole is drilled using the 

                                                                                special installation washer as a drill 

                                                                                fixture. This is to locate the drilled hole

                                                                                into the external threads of the insert

                                                                                to accept the locking pin.


Щифтът се поставя, за да предотврати разви-   Инсталирането на глухата вложка

ване на вложката при отвиване на болта.          Full - Torque®е завършено.Така възстановен

                                                                                резбовия отвор е по-здрав от нов.

The locking pin is driven into the drilled hole     Finished installation of the Full - Torque®

preventing the insert from un-screwing when   blind insert, FFB style, the bolt hole is

the bolt is removed in the future.                        pressure tight and stronger than new.  


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